"Larry's work should serve as a prerequisite for every principal leadership program. The Assembly
Required Implementation Guide has provided the tools necessary to mobilize staff in conducting continuous improvement within their
schools." Olga Aleman Program Manager, Professional Development Services
"Dr. Lezotte's workshops are always thought-provoking. I am always amazed at the updated research
and resources that he provides the participants. His passion for achieving excellence and equity for ALL children is
contagious." Carmen Taylor Executive Director, National Indian School Board Association

"Larry made our teachers and administrators believe in themselves again." Dr.
Larry Kelly Retired Superintendent & Educational Consultant
"Dr. Larry Lezotteâs unique, conversational style of delivery, immediate command of the research,
and nonthreatening, approachable manner enabled our staff to relate to and identify with him. " Dr. Larry
Kelly Retired Superintendent & Educational Consultant
"Larry Lezotte provides educators the motivation, the tools, and the belief that they can and will
enable all students to learnâno exceptions." Dr. Larry Kelly Retired Superintendent &
Educational Consultant

"More children than I can count have benefited from Larry Lezotteâs teaching."
Dr. Mark A. Higdon Executive Director, Wyoming School Boards Association
"What comes through during a conversation with Larry Lezotte is his passion for doing great things
for American School Children, the depth of his expertise, and his knowledge about how public schools and public school people
work, and his courage in taking on what needs to be confronted." Dr. James D. Mervilde
Superintendent, Washington Township Metropolitan School District

"Dr. Lezotte has helped our school district grow academically and to focus
on the thing that matters mostâstudent achievement." Dr. Jerry L. Seese Superintendent,
Saginaw Township Community Schools

"Larry Lezotte has been the defining factor in our district/school reform. Through his leadership
and advice, we have been able to transform ourselves from an adult-centered school district to a student-centered school
districtâ¦where learning is for allâ¦whatever it takes!" Dr. Carmen Granto
Ms. Cynthia Bianco Deputy Superintendent, Niagara Falls City School District